Beat the Heat and Stay Sun-Safe: Fun at the Playground All Summer Long

14 Jun 2024 4 min read No comments Blog
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Beat the Heat and Stay Sun-Safe: Fun at the All Summer Long
Summertime is synonymous with fun, and are a destination for kids to burn energy and enjoy the outdoors. But with the fun comes the responsibility of keeping them cool and protected from the sun’s harmful rays. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one sunburn in childhood can double your child’s risk of melanoma later in life.

Here are some tips to ensure your little ones have a safe and enjoyable experience at the playground, even on the hottest days:

Sun Protection: Block, Apply, Seek

  • Sunscreen is a Summer Essential:
    Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to all exposed skin at least 15 minutes before heading outdoors. Reapply every two hours, or more often if your child is sweating or . Look for -resistant sunscreen if your child will be playing in sprinklers or wading pools.
  • Sun’s Out, Hats On!
    A wide-brimmed hat is a must-have accessory for any playground trip. It shades the face, neck, and ears, preventing sunburn and keeping your child cooler. Choose hats with fun colors and designs to encourage your child to wear them willingly.
  • Seek Shade and Schedule Smart!
    Plan your playground visits for mornings or evenings when the sun’s intensity is lower. If you must go during peak sun hours (typically 10 am to 4 pm), find playgrounds with built-in shade or bring a portable pop-up tent for quick relief. also provide shade, but keep in mind that their shade coverage can move throughout the day.

Hydration and Dress for Success

  • Hydration is Key!
    Pack plenty of water for your playground . Encourage your child to take frequent sips to stay hydrated and avoid heat exhaustion. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially during hot weather. Consider freezing water bottles partially beforehand so they stay colder for longer.
  • Dress for Success
    Loose-fitting, lightweight clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton is ideal for playground fun. Opt for light-colored clothing that reflects sunlight rather than dark colors that absorb it.

Cool Down and Fun in the Sun

  • Take Breaks and Cool Down
    Schedule regular breaks in the shade to allow your child’s body to cool down. Pack cool damp towels or mist them with water to help them feel refreshed.
  • Fun in the Shade!
    Plan activities that don’t require direct sunlight. Building sandcastles, playing with bubbles, or reading books under a shady tree are all great alternatives to equipment in the direct sun.
  • Water Fun with Caution
    While sprinklers, kiddie pools, and water balloons can be a fun way to cool down, remember that unprotected skin can still burn even while wet. Be mindful of sun exposure during water play and reapply sunscreen regularly.

Sun Safety for All Ages

Sun safety isn’t just for young children. Parents and caregivers should also practice sun protection measures by wearing hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. By setting a good example, you can instill healthy sun habits in your children that will last a lifetime.

Make it a Fun Family Outing!

Playing at the playground doesn’t have to be just about the equipment. Pack a lunch to enjoy under the shade of a tree, blow bubbles for the kids to chase, or create a nature scavenger hunt around the playground perimeter. By incorporating these elements, you can create a fun-filled and sun-safe playground experience for the whole family.

With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure your children have a safe and enjoyable summer playing at the playground. Remember, sun safety is crucial, and a little preparation goes a long way in preventing sunburn and heat-related illnesses. So, pack your hats, sunscreen, water bottles, and a sense of fun, and get ready for a summer of unforgettable playground adventures!

Find Playgrounds with Shade

Contributor: host

Searching for playgrounds and sharing what we find.


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